Ben Rich Electric Road Tripper
Swing Dancer
Swing dancing is a big part of my life. I love to social dance, perform and compete on occasion. Here are some highlights from dance floors across America.
In 2015 I joined a NYC-based lindy hop team called Yeah Man. Under the creative vision and tutelage of Nathan Bugh we won the Team Division at the International Lindy Hop Championships (ILHC). It was an incredible adventure that took a great deal of hard work and lots of rehearsal. But we had a terrific group of dedicated dancers, and our efforts paid off in the end.
Video of Yeah Man at ILHC 2015
My swing dance partner from 2009-2015 was Shannon Chirone, and I could not have asked for a better partner. She is an incredible dancer, a fearless aerialist and a dedicated friend. It was an honor to compete with her in 2011 with this routine choreographed by Carol Fraser.
One of my favorite routines was this one from 2011. We didn't win, but we had an amazing time and I think this is one of the best routines I have ever been a part of. Please excuse the costumes and the introduction...
We called ourselves Rockefeller Riot, but we were Troupe 212 at heart.

Featured Performer
Over the years I have been in many performances, shows and competitions. Films, TV shows, on Broadway, at the National Mall, I will dance anywhere!
Here is a fun music video in which Shannon and I are featured called "Up All Night" by Ric Mystrie.